

Page history last edited by Mirian Alvarez 13 years, 7 months ago





                                  Listening Skills        



         Reading Skills                                                             



Activities to improve listening (advice)

Listening practice (easy, medium and advanced levels)

 Listening comprehension from VOA (Saber Inglés) 

Listening Lab                                                                                              

Role-Play exercises of practical situations

Online course: USA Learns

Online Dictations

Listen and write: Do the dictation yourself

VOA (Voice of America) - News - Podcasts

BBC Learning English (Exercises and Podcasts)

Breaking news: Reading Comp. Lessons (Int. Level) You can listen to the podcasts as well.

 Video Lessons (for children)


 Today's Lesson from E Baby

 Cartoons (Videos) 

How to use different language functions (BBC)

Talking Dictionary               

Comic strips (Text)

Sort it out  (Putting pictures in the right order). (Tintin adventures)

PET Readings

 Visit this website   (Places to go in London)

CDLP: Adult learning activities - Readings

Readings for ESL students

Reading for a purpose:

Several reading exercises to check your understanding of a text. There are two levels. (City College Manchester).

Interactive stories (BBC) - Children

Interactive stories for kids (3 levels)

I'm reading (stories for children)

Clifford Interactive Storybooks - Children

CNN (Story archives with exercises).

Famous people lessons (with mp3 listening and online exercises as well)

Mercosur Press: news about Latin America and Mercosur 

PHP Webquests  

Reading topics: Upper- beginner 


Reading topics: Lower- intermediate

English listening online  All about Britain: Your guide to British life and culture
Tongue twisters 

Esl reading stories


London WEBQUESTS            


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